Tips and Tricks Archive
By default the WordPress URL structure is a mess, to put it nicely. It is not SEO friendly and is sloppy so not very professional looking. And this is why I decided to type up this short
Guest blogging is dead! Or so we are sometimes told. It all started early last year when the guy who heads the anti-spam team at Google – Matt Cutts, declared that Guest Blogging has gotten to be
I own multiple websites and attempt to keep up with all of them equally by posting a few times a week…and it’s not an easy thing to do. Many bloggers barely have enough time to post on
Selling a website is a hassle. Maybe you’ve grown tired of blogging or are just wanting to get rid of one of your older websites (having multiple websites can be overwhelming after all). If you are planning
After first installing WordPress, which you can find out how to do on the to create a website page, you are left with a rather bland blog. All of the basic settings are active, you have virtually
One measure of effective writing is how engaged your traffic is. If readers aren’t engaged, they won’t share your content either through social media or through their own blog (linking to your article). Not only is this
Speeding up your WordPress blog is one of the most important steps in getting on Google’s good side…it’s also one of the most frustrating. You can spend hours and hours researching and performing step after step to
You should always be on the look out for ways of optimizing and speeding up your website, this is especially important since Google now considers how fast a website is in its algorithm of where you rank